Mya and Me

I am just an all-American girl living in New Zealand with my all-Kiwi husband. We are enjoying life with our "Mya"

Thursday, May 15, 2008

My lil Bum Scooter

Yes! Mya is our lil' bum scooter. She just scoots all over the house. She has been doing it for the past month (since her 1st bday), but since I have been slack at blogging, I don't think I have told everyone. I think she is starting to get pretty good at it!

I do think that once she starts walking (which could be anywhere from next week to next month) she will be SO proud of herself! She walks all over the house, she just has to hold on to something/ANYTHING! She dragged a chair across the mall and used that as her walker when my Mom and grandparents were here! Everyone was laughing as they walked by :) My grandparents really fell in love with Mya - it was so great to have them here for over a week. Mya loved them and they really connected with her too. How special to not only have great-grandparents - but great-grandparents that are still willing and able to travel across the world to see you. She is one lucky little girl - so loved.

OH! not only does she just use chairs and walkers - she also has decided the grocery cart is her walker. She pushed the FULL grocery cart around the whole store! She would cry if I tried to hold her ( I felt a little bit like a child slave driver - but she WANTED to push the cart - I wasn't foorcing her! )

I always get annoyed when people ask "is she walking on her own, yet?" Why do they ask that? Do you see her walking? Believe me, when she is walking by herself she will be off and running! They will know it. I am going to hold onto her needing me to do stuff for her a little while longer :) But no, seriously, some people say the strangest things. Like, for example, when Mya wasn't crawling...which SOME babies don't do...a lady said to me "I would like to see what other developmental delays she will have." I was stunned. Here all the Plunket nurses, etc., were telling me that some babies don't crawl and it was completely fine...and here this lady insensitively says my baby has developmental delays?!?! Oh not only that, she said Mya probably has dyslexia. Excuse me, if you are not a doctor can you please not diagnose my baby. I would rather her talk about it to someone else. Not straight to my face! ahhhh. deep breath. I am over it anyway (can't you tell?? ha). I have moved passed it.

Jenny recently told me that Julia never crawled and she didn't start walking until 17 months. she just bum scooted around like Mya does. She is perfectly fine!!!! yay :) I think honestly that it is just a personality thing with Mya. She is a cautious little girl. I love that about her...I think that cautiousness is a good characteristic (at least from a mother's point of view!).

Alright, there, I blogged. :)


Blogger joy said...

yes--and we all thank you very much for that informative blog! and now you can add that mya walked! so there to the naysayers out there!!

May 16, 2008 at 4:51 PM  
Blogger Meg McLawhon said...

That nurse can tell about dyslexia from bum scooting? She is really a psychic genius or something I guess.... What is that all about? I was anaware than Mya was reading, AND even if she was writing, it is perfectly normal for kids to write words and letters backwards.... What was up her booty?

Yes, I agree with your mom, keep up the blogging more often!!!

May 18, 2008 at 1:10 PM  
Blogger Mya's Mommy said...

It wasn't a nurse, it was just some lady. She doesnt know what she is talking about.

May 18, 2008 at 1:41 PM  

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