Mya and Me

I am just an all-American girl living in New Zealand with my all-Kiwi husband. We are enjoying life with our "Mya"

Sunday, March 23, 2008


I was in church this morning and Mya fell asleep on me while we were singing. *I laughed in my head (we were singing "Crown Him with Many Crowns") and I could have fallen asleep too. Beautiful beautiful words, but...just so...dated!* Anyway, I soaked that time with her being so limp in my arms and just trusting me so much to take care of her. She is a busy busy girl always wanting to be doing sooomething - so I take those moments and hold on to them dearly! All day I have been thinking how special and innocent she is. Of course I want to protect her and show her love, but more importantly I want her to know Jesus and feel the Grace he provides in our lives. I pray that she will love the Lord and treasure his Word. I can't stop thinking about the words of "Because He Lives" whenever I get worried about anything happening to her.

God sent His son, they called Him Jesus
He came to love, heal, and forgive.
He lived and died to buy my pardon,
An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives.

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
Because He lives, All fear is gone.
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living just because He lives.

How sweet to hold a newborn baby,
And feel the pride and joy he gives.
But greater still the calm assurance,
This child can face uncertain days because He lives.

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
Because He lives, All fear is gone.
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living just because He lives.

And then one day I'll cross the river,
I'll fight life's final war with pain.
And then as death gives way to victory,
I'll see the lights of glory and I'll know He lives.

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
Because He lives, All fear is gone!
Because I know He holds the future
And life is worth the living just because He lives!
How powerful are those words? Why do we allow fear to seep into our lives?? He is ALIVE!! and He has saved us. He has already WON! He has beaten that fear. It is just so amazing that we don't have to worry or be anxious about fears that penetrate our mind. I love that He is in control. I have been reading some blogs of some women that have lost children and I pray - Lord please do not allow that to happen to me, I could not do it - but, these women show such amazing faith and courage. I don't have to fear anything that might happen because the Lord will be there to help me face "uncertain days" just as he will for Mya throughout her life.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

24! Can you believe it??!

I am 24! Yep. Not too much to say about 24 other than I am going to be 25 next year which is really weird. I had an awesome birthday though - my friend Shanna and I had a joint BBQ - lots and lots of great friends :) I got lots of great gifts too!!!! Here is a picture of the birthday cake Eddy made me...I think it is really cute and sweet...I think he remembered that last year I didnt get a cake. and I cried. which I happen to do every birthday that I can remember. Honestly. (even this one which was really great) My mom has even admitted to it. and I think Eddy could admit it too, well, if I remind him the reasons :) which I easily could. I dont cry because I am getting older...I dont cry cause I miss my younger, easier, more carefree days. I think I just get dissapointed easily. and each year the dissapointment spurs from totally different reasons.

Oh my gosh, I just remembered my 7th (or 6th?) grade birthday...DRAMA of the YEAR!!!!! Seriously. I had a huuuuuge sleepover. Too many girls in too small of space. Just never works. (I need to remember that when Mya is older) Let's just say the party ended up in a lawsuit. no no..not a real lawsuit. The t.v. room upstairs was made into a courtroom (in the middle of the night) Was Channi the lawyer?? How appropriate if she was! I cant remember who the judge was--well, I think someone's nose (Colleen) got slammed in a door and of course someone did it on purpose. huge fights. me-of course-in the middle of it ALL. cue my cries. I remember that night so clearly. Megan Hendrix was sailing to tahiti(??wasit?) in the popposon. oh so strange and so funny. I think all the girls that were there would remember that night.

Anyway, onto some updates of MyMy. I dont really have anything planned about what to say about her, but, she is beautiful and special as always. As you can see from the picture below, she is liking to hold the spoon herself these days. Dinner is getting a little frustrating (she does really well for breakfast and lunch) but not so great for dinner. I think because we are not as organized. and she knows it. oh they always know it. Plus, she looooooves fruit and loves sandwiches. which is easy easy brekkie/lunch. and I am a gooooood snack/lunch maker. Not so good at dinner. Poor Eddy. and Will now too. Sorry. oh well. cant be good at evvvverything. gimme a break. ha. Yeah, so she is becoming picky. or...we are allowing it oh sorry IIII am allowing it. Eddy is more strict. I am just not good at being very strict with her. eek. gotta be though. I just dont want to randomly be strict for random things and confuse her. ya know? She is wanting to eat off of our plates. she thinks it is better or something. But, actually, I think she just wants to do it herself because our food is bigger...or at least she wants to put the food in her hand and then throw it (quite skillfully and pretty far) off the side. I am just going to start making her the exact same stuff as us - she wont eat baby food - well most of it anyway. fair enough though! She was so funny tonight - we had chicken "nibbles" which are just like chicken wing like bits of chicken - she just wanted to chew on the thing and get the chicken off herself. she had greasy chicken fingers! and face! I love her. how could anyone not???

Just a little update - she now has 5 and a 1/2 teeth. Man why does teething last FOOOOREVER!??? these last two teeth have taken ages. I am not enjoying teething. no bueno. I better get off the computer. I have two boys waiting to use the internet. Who will get to use it next???